NAME IN FULL: Alexandra Naumovna Berkutenko SEX: female OFFICIAL ADDRESS: Herbarium, Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Portovaja street 18, Magadan 685000, Russia office telephone: (+7 41322) 3 44 63 HOME ADDRESS: P.O.Box 225 Portovaja street, 31/12 apt.40 Magadan 685000 Russia home telephone (+7 41322) 3-56-53 e-mail: berkuten"at", berkut"at" NATIONALITY: Russian MARITIAL STATUS: Married; COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP: Russia LANGUAGES: Russian (native); English |
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- An International Diploma in Herbarium Techniques has
been awarded by Royal Botanic Gardens Kew in 1992.
- Travel grant from Mac-Arthur Foundation for the meeting in Zurich,
Switzerland in 1996
- Membership in:
North-American Rock Garden Society
International Organization of Plant Biosystematists
- Invited by International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, England
to be
included in Sixteenth Edition of "Men of Achievement"
1. Eutrema edwardsii R.Br. and Thlaspi kamtschaticum Karav. in Far
Botanical journal, 61,12, 1976
2. On some findings of Cruciferae on Kolyma upland. Flora and vegetation
Magadan region, Vladivostok, 1976
3. On species composition and distribution of Draba on Kolyma upland.
Biological problems of the North, VII symposium, Petrozavodsk, 1976
4. Caryological peculiarities of some Cruciferae of Kolyma upland.
(in the
same edition as 3)
5. Chromosome numbers and distribution Cruciferae on the south of Kolyma
upland. Botanical journal, 61,11,1976.
6. What is Arabis sinuata Turcz.? Botanical journal, 62,7, 1977.
7. Arabis maximoviczii N.Busch on the south of Magadan region.
Bulletin of the Main Botanical Garden, 103, 1977.
8. What is Draba tschuktschorum Trautv.? Flora and vegetation of
Chukotka, Vladivostok, 1978.
9. Notes on nomenclature and distribution of some Cruciferae of
Siberia and the Russian far East. Novitates systematicae, 15,1978.
10. On taxonomy of Draba of North-East USSR. Novit.syst.,16,1979
11. Some results of investigation of Draba of North-East USSR.
Biological problems of the North, VIII symposium, Apatyti, 1979
12. Two new species of Draba from Okhotsk sea shore. Botanical
journal, 64,5, 1979
13. Asiatic-American connections (examples from Cruciferae of Kolyma
Upland).XIV Pacific Scientific Congress, botany, Moscow, 1979.
14. Eutrema edwardsii, Draba stenopetala and Spiranthes sinensis
in Kamchatka. Botanical journal, 66,1,1981.
15. Oceanic and continental elements in Cruciferae and their
significance for floristic zonation of Magadan region. Biological problems
of the North, IX Symposium, Syktyvkar, 1981.
16. On ecology and affinity of Sisymbrium polymorphum. Biology and
of plants in Kolyma basin. Vladivostok, 1981.
17. Cruciferae of the south of Magadan region. Biology of the plants
flora of the north of Far East. Vladivostok, 1981.
18. Oreophytous element in Cruciferae of the North-East of the USSR.
Investigation of alpine flora.Sverdlovsk,1982.
19. What is Braya tilingii Regel? Novit.syst.,18,1982.
20 .Cruciferae of Kolyma upland. Vladivostok, 1983
21. Endemics of North-East USSR in Cruciferae. History of vegeta
tion cover of North-East Asia. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1984
22. Alpine element in Cruciferae of North-East USSR. Vegetation
cover of mountains. Leningrad, Nauka, 1985
23. Chromosome numbers and distribution of North-East USSR Cruci
ferae. Botanical journal, 69,1, 1984.
24. Morphology, ecology and geography of Cardamine trifida.
Biomorphology of the plants of Far East. Vladivostok, 1983.
25. Beringian connections in Cruciferae of North-East USSR.
Biological problems of the North, X symposium, 1983
26. Cruciferae of Kamchatka. Biological problems of the North.XI
symposium, Jakutsk, 1986
27. Survey of ecology and distribution of Cruciferae of Magadan
region. Ecology, distribution and life forms of the plants of Magadan
region. Vladivostok, 1987
28. Brassicaceae // Vascular plants of the soviet Far East, volume
Leningrad, Nauka, 1988
29. Cruciferae of Siberia (key for genera identification) Novit.syst.
30. Anthropophilous element in Cruciferae. Problems of investigation
sinanthropous flora. Moscow, 1989
31. Cruciferae of soviet Far East.Actual questions of botanical
investigations, Moscow, 1989
32. Cruciferae in Amur basin, their ecology and conservation. III
Soviet-Chinese symposium, Blagoveschensk, 1989.
33. Bering Land Bridge as a barrier or filter to the dispersal of plants:
examples from Brassicaceae. Bridges of the Science between N.America
and the
Russian Far East. 45 Arctic Conference, book 2. Vladivostok, 1994 (coathored
by D.Murray)
34. New data about similarity of Cruciferae in Western and Eastern
North Pacific. XVIII Pacific Science Congress, Bejing, China, 1995.
35. Diversity of Cruciferae in Beringia: some taxonomic and nomenclatural
revisions. VI International Symposium IOPB, Tromso, Norway, 1995.
36. Detective story about one Linnaean species of Cruciferae. Linzer
Biol.Beitr.,27/2, 1995.
37. Tibet-Altai-Beringia - does geographical isolation correlate taxonomic
differentiation? Flora of Siberia. Russian conference dedicated Siberian
botanist Cherepnin.1996.
38. New data about similarity of floras of Western and Eastern Beringia
(examples from Cruciferae) Vestnik DVO, 2, 1997
39. Vegetation Changes in the Northern Russian Far East as a Result
Human Activity (coauthored by A.N.Polezhaev) Polar Geology and Geography,
1995 (19) 4.
40. The remarkable Pinus pumila. International Dendrology Society Year
1992, printed in Great Britain in 1993.
41. Dendroflora of Magadan Region.Managing Forests to Meet People Needs.
Proceedings of the 1994 Society of American Foresters/Canadian Institute
Forestry Convention. Anchorage, Alaska, September 18-24, 1994, Bethesda,
Maryland, 1995.
42. Medicinal and Edible Plants of Alaska and the Russian Far East
(coauthored by E.Viereck). Vladivostok, 1995, 191 p.
43. Rare plants of Magadan Region. Magadan, 1987, 74 p.
44. On the genus Megadenia Maxim.(Brassicaceae)Botanical Journal,
1998,vol.83,N8 p.69-72
45. Does the Whitlow-grass Draba sibirica (Pall.)Thell. occur in North
America? The Canadian Field-Naturalist, 1998 vol.112, N3, p.513-515.
46. Cardamine trifida (Cruciferae) and its unique dispersal adapted
underground organs. Syst.Geogr.Pl.vol.68, 1999